Ahead of submitting a planning application for the proposed development of the site we are conducting a public consultation process.
We are keen to hear the views and feedback of local residents on our emerging proposals, so that the development is shaped by the local community where appropriate.
Continue to check back at this website for additional and updated information throughout our consultation process.
Attend our public drop-in event where we will be displaying our emerging proposals. The event will take place from 4.30pm on Monday 17th October at Maldon Methodist Church, 135A High Street, Maldon, CM9 5BS. All residents are welcome to attend, discuss the emerging proposals with our team, and provide feedback.
Join our online ‘Webinar’ event where you can watch and listen to a presentation on the proposals from the project team. The event will take place at 6.30pm on Wednesday 19th October. You can register to join the Webinar by emailing EssexHousing@connectpa.co.uk.
Provide your feedback and suggestions
You can feedback to us on our emerging proposals in any of the following ways:
Complete our online feedback form
Attend our public drop-in event
Email us at EssexHousing@connectpa.co.uk
Phone us on Freephone 0800 029 7171
Write to us at Essex Housing, Freepost CONNECT CONSULTATION, Millbank Tower, SW1P 4QP
Following the close of our consultation process we will review feedback and make the community aware of any changes resulting from it.